
A journey into Professional Services // Carl’s Story


Talent RISE is passionate about changing the lives of young people who have experienced barriers to employment. To do this, we provide education, training, life skills and employment opportunities, helping young people RISE UP to their full potential to gain independence and purpose. This is Carl’s story.

Carl is 23 and before joining Talent, he’d been searching endlessly for roles for over one year. After working in a warehouse in Manchester and struggling to apply for jobs, Carl applied to his jobcentre and found out about Talent RISE. We chatted to Carl to discover how Talent RISE helped him secure his current role, and how it has impacted him in his first few weeks.

Tell us a little bit about your background

Before I joined Talent International, I was unemployed and before that, I was working in a Warehouse. I was doing Production line and picking, and driving a PPT Truck. In terms of hobbies, I go for walks, go to the pub and play pool. Play the odd game here and there.

What did you see yourself being when you were growing up?

When I was younger, I wanted to join the Army but then when growing up I realised I didn’t have the mentality to do that. Then I fancied being a chef which didn’t work out because I did work experience in a four-star restaurant and it was way too stressful. I went to college and did plumbing and from there I ended up doing the warehouse job. It was terrible. 

How long were you looking for work before starting your placement here?

I was out of work for a long time. Over a year, I reckon. There weren’t a lot of apprenticeships or anything around that time either. It was absolutely horrible.

How did you find out about the kickstart scheme?

The government recommended Talent RISE through the Jobcentre. When I was going up looking for work, we had a conversation about the grades I had (I didn’t have any) and then they recommended Talent through the Kickstart scheme. 

How was the experience going through RISE?

It was great. When I first had the chat with Andy and the RISE team, I think spoke to them twice and they did mock interviews with me. I hadn’t been in a job interview for so long so he prepared me for it and feedback which was really helpful.

How did you feel coming into your interview?

So much better! I’m glad I had the mock interviews as I don’t think I would have known where to start otherwise. I was definitely nervous during the interviews, Marc set me an information task as well after my interview. Getting information from websites and seeing how they link with other websites with keywords and such. I got some wrong but got lots right as well. 

How did you feel once you learnt you got the role?

Buzzing, and surprised as well!

What have you enjoyed about your role so far?

Learning I would say, it’s a new background and workplace for me that I never thought I would be in. I’m learning something I enjoy so it’s been amazing so far. I’ve been building laptops, creating users on laptops, learning how to use Bullhorn and Daxtra and how to clear some of the data through that. Just in general, self-learning skills within the industry. 

Where do you see your future at Talent?

Hopefully staying on and becoming permanent, building my skills and just keep doing good work. I did think that recruitment is interesting to learn but I hear it is stressful. 

What would you say to employers resisting hiring younger people?

When you are young you aren’t going to get experience if you aren’t given a chance. I do notice that a lot of employers don’t want to hire you without a set amount of experience. About 60-70% of people who want this experience in young people aren’t employing them, so how are they supposed to get it? 

What would you say to people looking for opportunities?

Reach out to agencies, places like RISE and schemes within the government. There are things you wouldn’t know about that you can use to your advantage and to help you get a job. So use every resource that’s out there.

To find out more about Talent RISE and an employer’s perspective of taking on a new starter, click this link to go to Marc Parker-Hughes’ interview. Marc is working closely with Carl, guiding him through his first steps in his new role. 

For more information on Talent RISE visit
