Talent RISE Step Up Challenge
Friday 6th September 2024
Entering the world of work can be incredibly tough for many young people. In fact, it’s estimated that there are 73 million unemployed people aged 15-24 across the globe. For those who don’t have access to the privileges many of us take for granted, getting that first break can feel as daunting as climbing Mount Everest.
The Talent RISE Step Up challenge brings this struggle to life by encouraging people to talk the distance between base camp to the peak of Everest – a total of 20km as the crow flies. Each participant raises money through donations which go directly towards life-changing initiatives for young people in need.
The 2024 Step Up challenge will be held on 6th September, with walks held in major cities around Australia, New Zealand and in New York.

Our impact
The Step Up Challenge was launched in 2022 and to date, we have raised $194,047. Here’s where that money went:
- We helped 720 young people with advice and guidance
- 1,500 hours of coaching and mentoring
- Supported 51 young people into training initiatives
- Changed the lives of 75 individuals with meaningful employment
What are we raising money for?
All the money raised as part of the Step Up Challenge goes directly to changing young lives. In 2023, we’d launched three new initiatives that had a significant and life-changing impact on their recipients and we will continue to be raising money toward these initiatives this year. With all Talent RISE overheads funded by Talent, every cent raised will go towards:
EnterTech Program
Our EnterTech Program will fund a group of young people through work placements and training to acquire invaluable skills and experience, providing them with a clear pathway into tech roles – a pathway they never thought possible.
Equal Access Program
This program will support young people from refugee, asylum seeker or Indigenous backgrounds by covering the cost of training (alongside RISE work readiness support) to provide a platform for future security.
Paid Work Experience Scheme
Paid internships can be life-changing, but are often impossible to secure for the young people we work with. This scheme will fund internships which provide critical experience to help young people gain confidence and secure employment.
Donate to the Step Up Challenge
Would you like to support the Step Up Challenge?