
The power of us

If you have ever doubted the power of your work to make a difference in someone's life, the stories in this book might change your mind.

“Us” is about the transformative power of employment. The impact that both giving and receiving a first chance can have on lives. In this book, you’ll read the inspiring stories of young people who have overcome challenging barriers to employment and the employers who gave them that chance.

These stories serve as a testament to the importance of inclusive hiring practices and the need for businesses to recognise the potential of every individual, regardless of their background. They also offer hope and inspiration to young people facing similar challenges, showing them that with perseverance and the right support, anything is possible.

"At some point, we were given the same opportunity as a young adult, so how could we deny that to someone else?"

Anthony wanted to set himself up for success. Travis wanted to fulfil his recruitment strategy. Through Talent RISE, Travis soon realised that he was recruiting for more than his own gain.

Read their story >

"It's hard to imagine how life would’ve played out if we struggled to get that first break."

Ella dreamt of building a meaningful career beyond her small community. Michal understood the life-changing impact a job could have. Together, they’re forging a brighter future.

Read their story >

"Young people just need a chance to show their value."

Lidya moved to the UK from Eritrea and needed to build a new life from scratch. With a passion for business, she was determined to forge a path in this space. Lana wanted to provide young people with the opportunities they deserve, opening pathways within the Financial Services sector. Through Talent RISE, they were brought together.

Read their story >

How you can change a life

Help us end the youth unemployment problem. We believe that one of the most powerful and rewarding opportunities employers have is to embrace the potential of young people. Interested in how you can get involved and make a positive difference in the lives of youth? Willing to be a mentor or provide a young person with a life-changing career opportunity? We’d love to hear from you.

We’re passionate about embracing the potential of young people. At Talent RISE, we can help you do this too. Get in touch below to learn how.

Contact the Talent RISE team
