It’s in our DNA to connect young people with meaningful career opportunities in New Zealand. Our NZ team are here to make an impact to the community through mentoring, social, life skills and work experience workshops as well as training and employment opportunities.
Our kaupapa (purpose) is empowering rangatahi and one way we achieve this, is by delivering our employability skills strength-based readiness to work program – Rangatahi Mahere Whakapakari Mahi utilising Te Kotahitanga (Effective Teaching Profile). We create opportunities for our rangatahi to actively participate and engage in their learning to encourage positive youth development outcomes.
The underlying foundations of our mahi (work) is modelled from the Mana Taiohi framework formerly known as the Youth Development Strategy. The Mana Taiohi principles are interconnected, holistic, and exist in relation to one another.
Mana young people have:
- Mauri Taiohi – identity, life spark
- Whakapapa Taiohi – genealogies, stories, connection to whenua
- Hononga Taiohi – identify and strengthen connections
- Te Ao Taiohi – the world, big picture
How youth development can enhance Mana:
- Whānaungatanga – relationship, kinship, whanau like connection
- Manaakitanga – kindness, respect, emphasising responsibility and reciprocity
- Whai Wāhitanga – finding their place, rights of a young person, participation
- Maātauranga – knowledge, wisdom, research
When our rangatahi graduate our program, we then focus on bridging the gap between unemployment and employment, then we transition into a pastoral care phase supporting our rangatahi.
Talent RISE delivers an innovative program for rangatahi who are NEET (not in employment, education or training) and are aged between 18-25 years. To date our focus area has been within the wider Wellington region. Our readiness to work program delivers the following to our rangatahi:
- Workshops in communication, health and safety and workplace ethics
- First aid certification
- Self/time management
- Overcoming travelling to work and accommodation barriers
- Financial literacy with AMP and BNZ
- Phone and workplace etiquette
- Health and wellness workshops including Te whare tapa whā
- Interview and CV preparation workshops
- Networking and building relationships
- Noho Marae
- Grooming and work attire with Dress for Success
- Mentoring, guidance and support
- Ongoing pastoral care

All of this content is delivered in our corporate environment. When our rangatahi graduate our Rangatahi Mahere Whakapakari Mahi program we then provide two weeks’ worth of work experience in a corporate environment.
Our goal is to empower and educate our rangatahi. Talent RISE is committed to bridge the gap between employment and unemployment. Since launching in New Zealand we have supported over 60 young people into meaningful employment and have positively impacted the lives of over 300 young people through our outreach workshops and youth events. With our future plans to soon expand into Auckland, we plan to impact more young lives in New Zealand.
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Get in touch
To find out how to refer young people for opportunities for entry-level roles, work experience, workshops and training, please get in touch.